Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Harbor... (from "shift", the ant song)

So today, at homegrown muthaz, we harbor this great little big hope:

that we feel alive, in everything we do, word we say, thing we see, in time that goes by or stands stills. that we not shy away from our true selves and the deepest, un-graspable moments of the world whatever they may be. that we never give up
and not be afraid of being genuine.

("Chairman of the Bored", courtesy of Cooper @ Drawmo)

Earlier this morning, I was experiencing discomfort from having to discuss a matter with a potential client. I was also attempting to solve an ant situation. They'd found food on what looked like a spotless countertop. I was getting frustrated trying to wipe the surface and not kill any. No matter how much I cleaned, they would reappear and congregate in a new spot. Then I started getting upset at the noise from the replacement fridge just installed, and at the fact that I’d lost a lot of food in the previous, malfunctioning, one. And all the flies that got in the house during the heat yesterday, and were now buzzing around wondering what's up.

That’s when a shift occurred. Not sure how it happened, but it went like this. I thought, "when it's time to leave this place (the homegrown muthaz' current outpost) I will". Space and time opened. I felt relieved, and sad and free. Simple.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pointerz II (continued from "pointers" post below)

- did you see/hear Elmherst, the neighbor’s cat, sneeze?

- “Bay Area”: what do these words evoke for you? Try not to think too much, just let yourself feel the words. When you read the words do your eyes just see them? or does your mind instantly start reading them and give them content. Now try replacing “Bay” with “Bat” or "Day"… ready? what happened? Notice anything different, unusual? (ie. is someone staring at you in the check out line at trader joe’s? are you wearing green pants? are you texting someone with longer than usual finger nails? Is your name Turkey McDover or is it Lars T. Heirloom?) Think about these things, pay attention to detail. If applied thoroughly this method should show the insight that “Bay Area“, or any other expression, such as "office hours", "traffic jam", "momma hendrick’s pot roast",… are just a combination of sounds/words, verbal/mental constructs lacking inherent substance.

Realizing that, you are free to:

- buy an extremely powerful flashlight/torch and use it on the person sleeping next to you. If no one is sleeping next to you, go find someone who will,

- move OUT of the Bay Area, leave, scram, beat it, and go live someplace where rent is cheap or stupefying-ly higher and people are not web designers & don’t know what sushi is. Face life. Step out of Disneyland,

- lease a steamboat and live on it for a few years. Start a school for children who can’t do somersaults,

- find that portal between the rational world and Bobby Hendrick’s bait shop in , observe keenly and see what happens to your sense of decency. Bonus tip: see if Bobby’ll lay down in bed next to you while you operate the flashlight. If he says “yah, sure”, then you know you’ve found the portal.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Homegrown pointers - to help you become a good egg... today!

Days like this… Mmmmh…. Lovely. Grandioso. If you’re living somewhere in the Bay Area you’ll be enjoying this incredible weather. As we write this, we are sitting on our deck watching the sun set just off the Farallon Isles.

OK so, here are a few pointers from the Homegrown Muthaz to achieve good egg-ness swiftly:

- walk down to Agate beach, in Bolinas. It’s nice and sunny, and, by Norcal standards at least, it’s hot. If it’s low tide walk 147 miles, if you can’t, try 2 like I did this afternoon.

- strike up a conversation about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g (letter by letter, please) with Bronwen McAllister, if she does not acknowledge you or the funny wig you're wearing, try her dog, Nesbitt - he might be able to help.

- go home, pour yourself a Fat Tire and pull out this old Crusaders album, “Southern Comfort”, skip songs until you hear Lilies of the Nile.

If none of the above works, then it’s high time to talk to a Homegrown Muthaz agent without delay: the.vibe@yahoo.com.

We have some visual pointers too: click photo below for slideshow.

(Piece of rope, knot - Agate Beach, circa 2008/2009. The glass lizard next to it is about the size of the city of Denver. Imagine how big the rope is.)

We'll have more pointers for you soon. In the interim, the Muthaz wish you rapid success in going beyond the conventional what-not.

Monday, November 10, 2008

ocean-front coaching in west marin

You are a good egg! ... had some doubts? A lot of us do: we live in fast-paced environments at home or at work and often fail to see the natural radiance of our minds. We seek deeper meaning but find that we continue to move around on auto pilot, doing the same things over and over again.

This auto pilot mode keeps us from our authentic selves. Sure, routines and catering to basic needs are necessary. But for many of us wretched folks out there - this writer included - this is our only modus operandi (note the use of cool Latin verbiage!) and it clouds our genuine nature. But why stay stuck in the muck when we can do something about it?

(don't believe until you see! the view from our ocean-side outfit in Bolinas, CA)

Our mission at homegrown muthaz of the great o.p. (Ocean Pacific) is to help you move far beyond that stuck-ness. This inspiration comes from the vastness, the riveting beauty and uncompromising rawness of the Pacific Ocean (less than 30 yards away from our deck). And, most importantly, it draws on the unshakable belief that everyone of us is a really good egg - a wonderful egg!

Some call homegrown muthaz "professional and life coaching consultants" or, more esoterically, a "transformative leadership network" (them nifty catchwords of the day… we actually did consider these). But we might also be described as "mystic shoe-shiners from afar" or "Tijuana’s ruthless underpuppies". Whatever the case, if you feel a connection, try us out. Can’t hurt. Not unreasonably at least. E-mail Homegrown muthaz the.vibe@yahoo.com for more info and our dirt cheap rates :)

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