Saturday, November 15, 2008

Homegrown pointers - to help you become a good egg... today!

Days like this… Mmmmh…. Lovely. Grandioso. If you’re living somewhere in the Bay Area you’ll be enjoying this incredible weather. As we write this, we are sitting on our deck watching the sun set just off the Farallon Isles.

OK so, here are a few pointers from the Homegrown Muthaz to achieve good egg-ness swiftly:

- walk down to Agate beach, in Bolinas. It’s nice and sunny, and, by Norcal standards at least, it’s hot. If it’s low tide walk 147 miles, if you can’t, try 2 like I did this afternoon.

- strike up a conversation about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g (letter by letter, please) with Bronwen McAllister, if she does not acknowledge you or the funny wig you're wearing, try her dog, Nesbitt - he might be able to help.

- go home, pour yourself a Fat Tire and pull out this old Crusaders album, “Southern Comfort”, skip songs until you hear Lilies of the Nile.

If none of the above works, then it’s high time to talk to a Homegrown Muthaz agent without delay:

We have some visual pointers too: click photo below for slideshow.

(Piece of rope, knot - Agate Beach, circa 2008/2009. The glass lizard next to it is about the size of the city of Denver. Imagine how big the rope is.)

We'll have more pointers for you soon. In the interim, the Muthaz wish you rapid success in going beyond the conventional what-not.

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